arts, poetry, Spirituality

Fall, A Time of Whimsy

Fall is a time when the change from warm to cold takes place,

When leaves being to fall to the ground, trees stand tall arms extended.

They are bare for all to see every scar, every blemish,

Yet they stand arms out reaching the sky.

Fall, a time of whimsy.

Fall is not yet the bitter cold of winter,

Yet it is not the warms of summer.

It is a time when wind rustles the leaves,

Yet streets may be quiet and serene.

Fall, a time of whimsy.

Fall is a time when we face perhaps,

When we face the cold within,

When we must seek warmth from the crackling fire,

From a brick fireplace.

It is a time when we might reminisce,

And plan for the Yultide season.

Fall, a time of whimsy.

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