behavior, Personal Development

Words Are Not Just Words

This week we saw an assassination attempt with others poised to do the same on a former president and Biden’s call to put a “bullseye” on Trump was suddenly a loaded gun literally. Do words matter? Yes, they do. It doesn’t matter if it directed at a child or an adult. Why have world become such a dangerous thing?

Part of it is the way in which classic liberal has been twisted to be woke progressive. Old School Liberal is very different than what we see in Liberalism today. Classic liberals were fighters for freedom, free speech, for the right of the individual to compete, strive and speak their opinion. Classic liberal did not see differences in race, creed etc…and did not have a victim and blame everyone else what goes wrong in in your life philosophy. Classic liberalism gave comedians freedom to in a way shed light on topics, no political correctness. Not to say you should insult people in cruel ways or call for violence or the end of anyone’s life, or anything like that. Classic liberalism is about transparency, so if a leader is showing signs of senility etc…it’s openly addressed. Words matter and when you constantly sensationalize everything happening around you and you constantly attack a person there will be consequences. World are not just words. If they were without weight then movie lines wouldn’t stick in our heads, songs would’t evoke emotions and reactions. If world meant nothing why do are we moved by being told I love you and such? That’s another problem with progressive woke is that everything is about reacting to feeling, what you feel at the moment, what you are told you should feel and do something about. Feelings are not facts, feelings are our perception and yes, they have a level of validity, but you don’t treat people according to feelings and without facts, that is plain stupid. It seems our universities have create bucket loads of stupid.

How can we make words less toxic? Say only what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t just go by emotions, look for facts to align with those words. Be a person that speaks with integrity, not steam coming out of your ears. Let critical thinking guide your words to some extent. Don’t be thin skinned or take everything everyone says literally or as a personal attack, distinguish between symbolic and literal. If someone says put a bullseye on someone, don’t take it literally. Find weakness in their policy, how they treated others, don’t get a gun or a weapon and eliminate them. Don’t assume anything in life, because as the Odd couple episode pointed out when you do you make An Ass Out of You and Me. Please don’t believe the very biased media because journalism, except for a few independent outlets and perhaps youtubers who actually do research and go by fact, true journalism is dead. Before you go rushing off making decisions based on what any one “news” media tells you, do actual research to have a balanced opinion. Be your best self in terms of ethics, integrity, empathy, and wisdom through right knowledge.

Words have weight, so let’s use them wisely.

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