
Let’s Create a Wellness Haven

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well, finding joy in some way, even the smallest ways. I wanted to talk to you about what I hope to build. My goal is have KANY Wellness be a platform that offers a range of tools, resources that include e-books, audio products, video courses, meditations and expand to offering live events related to holistic wellness. I will be creating material and also avail myself of material available to share with you. The ultimate goal to bring holistic wellness to your door so to speak.

Phase I is the phase KANY Wellness is currently in, where I am posting blogs, meditations and a few e-books. Phase II, with your support will be the creation and purchase of a range of digital materials to guide you on your journey, including mini audio seminars. Phase III, again with your support of this bog, will add video courses and live online events, seeking professionals in the holistic health field to present seminars. I very much feel this world is in need of healing and I wish to create a place where there are tools and resources for healing on various levels.

I am asking for your support and if you can, wish to help create this wellness haven please donate to this blog.


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