Healthier Lifestyle PIII
We come to the third and last part of this series of posts and I hope they are providing some good tools for your journey to a better life.
One thing that helps us to grow, elevate our energies is having something to work towards, even if it’s something as small as taking a walk a few times around the block at least twice a week. Having a goal to aim for helps us to not feel down and out, lost in this long train called life. As I said if you want to aim for a larger goal, okay, but if it’s to large and too short a time frame it will be self defeating. If you have a larger goal in mind for your physical, financial, spiritual etc… health or relationship, try breaking it down to smaller steps over shorter time periods. If my goal is to let’s say lose 20 pounds, well that might be daunting, so maybe break it up to two pounds every month. Find support system to help you stay on track. Dream big, hear that a lot, think large. Long term okay, but set up smaller steps in the interim that you can achieve.
One thing that makes life interesting is learning, gaining knowledge. Maybe there is a great person you wanted to know better, take small steps, start with saying hello, have a great morning when you see them. Maybe you have always had an interest in archaeology. Great, get on youtube and maybe a few times a week watch a video and even take some notes. Knowledge is a great thing, so even if you go to the park and be more intentional about watching people interact, kids play, learn more about people in general. Is there something about yourself you want to improve, do better, well again start with something small. Think of it as a building, brick by brick, if you tried to build a building without proper foundation and in one day, it wouldn’t last long. Take time to learn etc…What about kindness, showing kindness even to yourself. Last time I talked about knowing when to say no. What about others, could you maybe show a bit of kindness, again understanding boundaries and I am going to talk about that and also narcissism.
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