Ancestry, Personal Development

The Ancestral Journey Continues

Up to this point I have learned quite a bit such as my family on my mom’s side being connected to the aristocracy via connection to the House of San Saverino and Gaettani. I have learned that it only took one family member and his bad habits to financially destroy the family. When the genealogist sought records from the main church archives where my family is from he was stonewalled, though by law the priest was required to give access, so Davide had to go above his head. That made me more curious than angry because why would he refuse access or not cooperate when it is no only Italian law but also Vatican law? It does seem my family perhaps on the Arbia line may well have come from Persia and escaped to Europe was still persecuted for being Jewish and had to convert.

That got me thinking about how we often give up that which we might treasure or hide it in order to survive. We often pass judgement on people who for example are on the streets or working as prostitutes and such situations, but we have no idea what could have brought them to that point. As I have said to friends and even family while one does not have to condone sin or immorality, one should maybe try and understand what led one down that path. Often if we don’t understand that then we can’t really help and so if we want to help others we need to maybe learn what circumstances led them to feel that was the only option or how might they have been coerced into that situation or groomed. I think about my family way back when and how their Jewish faith might have meant a great deal, but to save their children from being harmed etc…they gave that treasure up. I could judge them harshly for it, but I don’t know what circumstances they endured that might have led to such a decision. I am hoping that with more records uncovered more will be learned. i will also be learning about just how big loss was incurred due to the actions of perhaps one reckless member of the family. Again, I am trying not to judge them too harshly as I have no idea what would have led them to do that. If they had an alcohol addiction then they would have not had the judgement to not perhaps gamble it all away or make lousy deals etc.. Whatever I do learn it is part of my history and I will embrace it.


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