Purpose vs Obsession
If you get a not in the middle of the day that says go to a certain address, gives you a set of directions and a clear explanation for why you should go there, well you may get up and go. If you get a not to go to a house you know is a booby trap, but you are determined to prove to the world how invincible you are, not so smart.
nnnnHaving a purpose, a direction is great and helps ground us, give us something to navigate towards in a healthy way. Going to the house where you know the reason and can prepare is fine. Obsession in proving something will likely get you hurt or killed. Having a purpose can also help us from going down a negative path because becoming too narrowly focused on something is not healthy, especially when it takes away from everything else in our lives. There is an episode in the final season of the original Charmed series where the charmed ones are put in a sleep state so Billie can see what their true focus is, or rather obsession is. They each realize they have let something become such a focus to the detriment of everything else, which is not healthy. How do you find a purpose and not an obsession?
nnnnFirst step to knowledge is questions. First thing you do is ask what is the thing you love that you can also put aside when necessary to bring balance to your life, family etc…? Make time for silence, solitude, and contemplation of that question. Look for those who can inspire the journey, and you, let them impart their wisdom. Allow yourself to be held accountable on the journey to finding that purpose and to keep even that from becoming an obsession. Expect the journey to be bumpy sometimes and for there to be disappointments. That’s part of the learning curve, part of life, of love even, what makes us complex beings these highs and lows, how we navigate them, what we learn from them. You may have to stop out of your comfort zone to find that purpose, get on that journey of self discovery. You will have to look at yourself, see any patterns that need changing, and be willing to change those patterns. Believe me, that can be quite uncomfortable, but it is necessary. Another thing to avoid when doing self reflection is to become obsessed with self reflection and beating yourself up for those unhealthy patterns over and over again. Recognize them, and then focus on shifting them to different ones.
nnnnPurpose is a noble thing and I hope you can find yours. Meditations, courses, eBooks are being added and will continue to be added because I believe in also providing tools for your journey of personal development and self discovery.