Anxious or Proactive?
I lived in a Mitchell lama coop that my mom purchased a good number of years ago. When it went private I sold it, invested much of it and had the idea toRead More
I lived in a Mitchell lama coop that my mom purchased a good number of years ago. When it went private I sold it, invested much of it and had the idea toRead More
When we think of happiness, what do we think of? Is it loved ones, our pets, nature, certain foods? Happiness is apparently boosted by different chemicals depending on the activity and such. IRead More
KANY Wellness is looking to move in the direction of providing resources, tools to help others find balance, empowerment, and a better way of life on various fronts. Sometimes the path to thatRead More
n As we age, we can take it as a negative, but these Thanksgiving as I could not be with my family I reflected on my life, aging as I will in twoRead More
nnn As we gather with friends and family or even if as in my case it’s just me and my Maltese Lizzie we are also accompanied by the creator, the energy of creationRead More
nnn One of the things that you deal with when you have fibromyalgia is anxiety and sometimes, well small panic moments. As one who has navigated this for a number of years IRead More
n Today I went to the doctor for my follow up and to get the results of my blood work and it seems I am at the right weight for my height andRead More
nnn When we think about helping it’s hopefully with good intention, but sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intention. When we become overly obsessed with another’s problem and determined toRead More
nnn Boundaries is a crucial part of a healthy relationship, even with yourself and a healthy society. I want to talk about boundaries with self, something I doubt we think of often. WhatRead More